Center for Health Promotion and Health Equity
Alison Tovar, Ph.D.
Interim Director of the Center for Health Promotion and Health Equity, Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch Interests Health Disparities and Health Equity, Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity
Madina Agénor, ScD, MPH
Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Associate Professor of EpidemiologyResearch Interests HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections, and Reproductive Health, Health Disparities and Health Equity, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Health, Cancer Screening and Prevention, Structural and Social Determinants of Health -
Tayla von Ash, ScD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch Interests Health Disparities and Health Equity, Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity, Sleep -
Tanya Benitez, Ph.D., MSW
Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch Interests Health Disparities and Health Equity, Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity -
Katie B. Biello, Ph.D., MPH
Chair of the Department of Epidemiology, Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Professor of EpidemiologyResearch Interests Drug Use & Misuse, Global Health, HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections, and Reproductive Health, Health Disparities and Health Equity, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Health, Mental Health -
Lauren Connell Bohlen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch Interests Chronic Diseases Prevention and Management, Health Disparities and Health Equity, Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity -
Shira I. Dunsiger, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences (Research), Associate Professor of Biostatistics (Research), Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior (Research)Research Interests Health Disparities and Health Equity, Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity, Smoking and Tobacco Use, Statistical Methodology Including Mediation, High Dimensional Data Analysis and Pattern Detection -
Diana Grigsby-Toussaint, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Associate Professor of EpidemiologyResearch Interests Health Disparities and Health Equity -
Jaclyn White Hughto, Ph.D., MPH
Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Associate Professor of EpidemiologyResearch Interests Drug Use & Misuse, HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections, and Reproductive Health, Health Disparities and Health Equity, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Health, Mental Health -
Bess H. Marcus, Ph.D.
Professor of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch Interests Mindfulness, Health Disparities and Health Equity, Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity -
Amy Nunn, ScD, MS
Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Professor of MedicineResearch Interests Chronic Diseases Prevention and Management, Global Health, HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections, and Reproductive Health, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Health, Mental Health, Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity -
Patricia Markham Risica, DrPH, RD
Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Director of Undergraduate Studies, School of Public HealthResearch Interests Chronic Diseases Prevention and Management, Health Disparities and Health Equity, Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity -
Alison Tovar, Ph.D.
Interim Director of the Center for Health Promotion and Health Equity, Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social SciencesResearch Interests Health Disparities and Health Equity, Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity -
David M. Williams, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Professor of Psychiatry and Human BehaviorResearch Interests Affect, Emotion, and Health Behavior, Chronic Diseases Prevention and Management, Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity
Affiliated Faculty
Bradley Brockmann, JD, MDiv
Executive Director of the Center for Prisoner Health and Human Rights, Providence, RI, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice -
Kim M. Gans, Ph.D., MPH, LDN
Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Connecticut, Adjunct Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brown University -
Deborah N. Pearlman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of the Practice of Epidemiology, Brown University
Research Staff
Aliana Rodriguez Acevedo
Project Coordinator -
Viveka Ayala-Heredia
Senior Research Assistant -
Esther Solis Becerra
Research Assistant -
Kelly Bouchard
Project Coordinator -
Lauren Cassou
Research Assistant -
Evan Davis
Research Intervention Counselor -
Liz Diano
Research Assistant -
Laura Dionne
Data Manager -
Kim Duguay
Assistant Program & Research Director -
Rachelle Edgar
Project Coordinator -
Elizabeth Griffin
Project Coordinator -
Elizabeth Hucul
Project Coordinator -
Ivone Lurssen
Research Assistant -
Lance Nelson
Project Coordinator -
Jennifer L. Olson
Project Director -
Jonathan Rascon
Research Assistant -
Vanessa Silva
Project Manager -
Huy Tran
Research Assistant -
Stephanie Vento
Project Manager -
Jaislene Vinas
Research Assistant -
Naomi Zeltzer
Research Assistant
Sugandha Gupta
Research Fellow in Psychiatry and Human Behavior -
Katrina Oselinsky
Research Fellow in Psychiatry and Human Behavior -
Jue Yang
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Behavioral and Social Sciences
More about Postdocs at the School of Public Health
Postdoctoral Research Associates (PDRAs) and Postdoctoral Fellows are individuals in the preparatory or learning stages of their careers who are appointed to meet particular and defined needs of a project or program under the supervision of a regular faculty member.